Turn northwest from the Lake Tower and glide down. Ya Naga – Go to Hylia Lake, located in the center of Hylia Island.The statue is located on norht side of Draozu Lake. Shae Katha – It is located behind the statue of Godess Hulia in Spring of Courage.Ka’o Makagh – Search on the hill area above the stable.Pumaag Nitae – Search between Finra Wood and Pagos Wood.Break the stone structure and enter the cave. Shai Utoh – Go to Ubota Point and find a door behind the stable located on the ground floor.Find Kass complete the quest and on the way to complete the same you will find the shrine. To tackle the rain problem us Cryonis Rune on the waterfall. He is located on high hills next to Calora Lake. Qukah Nata – Find Kass to unlock quest A Song of Storms.Look for a hidden path next to the waterfall for entering the shrine area.
Shoda San – The shrine is situated behind Riola Spring Waterfall. Below are all Zelda Breath of Wild shrine location in Faron. Defeat the 3 guards and take the spheres and place them on the plates.įaron Grasslands or Faron is located on the South of Necluda, it is easy to find spot and has around 9 Shrines in the region.
Look for 5 large bones and 3 pressure plates. They are Handy Pond, Rabella Wetlands and Uteh Marsh.
Tawa Jin – On the top of mountains in plateau between you will have to locate three ponds. Kah Yah – Complete Quest a Fragmented Monument. Korgu Chideh – In the Southeast corner look for Eventide Island. You can glide down it from the above Muwo Jeem Shrine. Chaas Qeta – Look for a small Tenoko Island. Muwo Jeem – It is located on a mountain peak, hard to miss. Myahm Agana – Look on the top of the hill at the entrance of Hateno Village. Complete Flown the Coop – Find Cucos for Guard Cado. Complete Hetano Village – Unlock Champions Tunic. Lakna Rokee – To unlock this shrine you will have to complete various quest. You have to drop a bomb in the river, and detonate when its near to the sealed door. Toto Sah – The shrine is inside a sealed stone structure. Daka Tuss – It is easy to find, you can locate this shrine from distance while in the eastern region. Ta’loh Naeg – It is located inside Kakariko Village.
Kam Urog – Complete The Cursed Statue Shrine Quest. Shee Vaneer – Located across Shee Venath on the highest peak in the area. Ree Dahee – Look for Dueling peaks close to the river. Shee Venath – Climb up on the top of a mountain and then jump. Just find your way through Flower Maze to locate it. Hila Rao – You can find this shrine in Watch out for the Flowers from Magda Quest. Wahgo Katta – It is next to the Riverside Stable. Bosh Kala – Hylia river, near Proxim Bridge.